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- TF01
- 3,Convention Reports - Part 2
- 4,
- SOL III (continued)
- ---------------------
- Report by Edward Woo
- ----------------------
- As the main hall was being set up for the fancy dress and disco there
- were queues for the autograph session already. It was pink ticket
- day. Luckily I got mine as it would overspill into tomorrow even
- though it moved fast.
- I got to change films and batteries and a sausage bun dinner for fast
- food in the cafeteria. Jean had coffee as I paid for it and she
- carried the tray. Keith joined us showing us his Kira trading card
- from the auction. Fran joined us with her veg' dish. Jean thought it
- was nice to eat but had a potato already. Keith was not here this
- time as he is giving con going a miss for a year.
- As part of the tech crew I got into the main hall early but it was
- not quite ready for the fancy dress as costumers and participants
- still were arriving. The seats were arranged in rows towards the
- platform whilst the rear of the hall had circular tables and chairs
- with a bit of floor for the disco. The disco group were still testing
- the equipment and it was loud. The tech equipment was surrounded
- partly by blue screens for safety.
- As the attendees piled into the hall grabbing a table or chair, I got
- a corner seat in the main hall which I vacated for Lee to sit down.
- Luckily, otherwise I would have got wet from a crushed/sliced flying
- melon. The two light spotters were ready and Anne Page, our MC with a
- fellow torch holder in hand.
- It all began with a melon. A Klingon came onto stage in a Worf guise
- and used his Bat'leth with delicate moves. Finally he came to slice a
- melon and it went to the left hand side front audience. A piece of
- melon sailed past me. Pete came up behind with his camera to take
- photos and so did many others.
- Other costumes included Captain Picard and Lwaxana Troi, Odo and her
- impressions of her holiday and life. The eventual drama winner was a
- complete re-enactment of "The Empire Strikes Back" with Yoda and
- R2D2, Skywalker, Leia, Han, the Wookie, Boba, Darth Vader, Lando, and
- of course a Stormtrooper. We also had the Falcon - a rocky table and
- steering wheel. C3P0 was there and his head, a ballon/ball came my
- way when it came off.
- Another winner was Paul Curtis and the ambassador from Babylon 5
- wearing that encounter suit (Ambassador Kosh). We had Swan Trek and a
- set of Blue Brothers. We had some dying scenario with Dr M'Benga and
- friends. The most amusing was Kindergarten Trek with a Borg father.
- All had uniforms including the little one alseep in her mother's
- arms. A young Geordi La Forge and a Data. All the costumes were
- superb, all 26 entrants - the best for a while.
- Our judges were Dwight, Eric, Alan and I think Richard as our
- committee whisked them away to decide a winner. During the
- intermission we had a turkey meet reading of Rog, Pam and another.
- They all read bits of Trek each stopping as coins for charity were
- deposited in a bucket. One steward ran all over the show. It filled a
- good twenty minutes despite a noisy bar behind us.
- The winners were re announced, Paul Curtis (Ambassador Kosh)
- Kindergarten Trek and "The Empire Strikes Back" crew. I'm sure the
- Klingon/Worf won also.
- The disco was next as I helped to secure the tech equipment to bed
- especially the cable. A curtain was drawn to divide the hall from the
- seating area to the tables. We headed off towards the bar and a
- discussion of the video programme of this con compared to others.
- Costumed Data, a Bolian, Klingons, Romulans and of course Federation
- personnel crossed our paths.
- Taruka was in the bar in her Star Trek uniform as I found Jean to
- introduce Neil J. Barrett, she knew the face but not the name. It
- came to 1:00 am and caught an episode of B5 in Richmond - an
- unscheduled story. It replaced Classic Trek for an hour. Talked to
- two stewards about it as they were unsure of the video programme as
- well. Peter sat down to watch and snooze through the night. Went to
- bed, but Joseph was already asleep so crept in quietly giving
- reception a ring for a 7:00 am call.
- Sunday. Joe was asleep when the alarm sang out but made it. That's
- what I remembered last night - the smell of food in the room. Awoke
- at 7:00 but took longer to move than expected as there was a DS9
- episode at 8:00 am. Washed and went down to breakfast. Fairly quiet
- and I had the full works plus two to three fruit juices. On a Sunday
- I would never get up before noon except for work.
- I can't remember the title of the DS9 story now. Unfortunately for me
- I missed Mike Tucker's talk as I was in the dealers room and went to
- listen to a space talk. As they wanted a slide projector I bought one
- from the main hall and set it up and subsequently stayed for their
- interesting two hour talk done by Bo Maxwell and Steve Tidey.
- Returned the projector to Richard safe and sound. Found Frances and
- Carol. Frances was minding the dealers door and Carol was off for a
- facial. Keith joined us and the Terok Nor committee as they were
- promoting their con as bid at the business meeting. I don't know her
- name but she headed the group and works in media like me. We had
- quite a merry gathering.
- I found Tim and asked about Simon - he said they were not joined at
- the hip!? Due to a slight over run of the space talk missed the
- beginning of Eric Menyuk's second talk.
- Eric's talk was similar to yesterday talking about his wife and son
- and his practice of law classes. He describe the father look as the
- lack of sleep of new fathers especially in the shopping precincts.
- When Eric finished I went over to the BP garage for extra film and
- talked to the owner about the con and the money made for charity.
- Phoned home to say I was okay and would be home Monday evening. The
- dealers room had one dealer selling autographed photos of the entire
- DS9, Voyager, TNG and original Trek cast, each 10x8 for about £30
- each. So you could have bought the entire set but at what cost.
- The business meeting was next, not too badly attended as Alison was
- chairperson with Mike ready to answer questions. First there was an
- amendment to the con rules saying that all official UK Star Trek cons
- are run for charity - no protest at that. It's a way to keep
- professional cons out.
- Wolf 359 won the bid for the 1997 convention in Blackpool again at
- the Norbreck when hopefully the hotel will be completely refurbished
- with an improved sound hall and a full blown cimema!
- We had two bids for the August '97 slot - Terok Nor and Ne'Driar,
- both using the London Edwardian Hotel. Terok Nor had a video
- presentation but prices were expensive. Terok Nor won after a bif of
- hands. Jill and Christine were about and we chatted briefly -
- teachers again.
- Dave Simmons came on about Warp 2, ie the reason for the venue change
- to Cardiff. Mark Leonard and Walter Keonig confirmed as guests. The
- meeting finished early with time to spare for for Harry's second
- talk. Missed it because I got chatting to Carol, her Australian
- friend and took a few photos.
- Found Jane and members of LUST visiting and asked if they went to the
- Fek'lhr meetings at 11:00. There's a new club in Birkenhead now. The
- Starbase Committee were sitting quietly until I crossed their path in
- the garden restaurant.
- It was 13:30 when I returned to the main hall for part two of the
- auction. Found Roger and said his reading was fun last night. Roger
- was ready for his auction with bitter in hand. Again got to handle
- the merchandise for the camera. There were quite a few photo novel
- sets but expensive. Starlog #1 went for £13. Rog got to touch but not
- handle some Blakes 7 videos. The making of The Wrath Of Khan - a rare
- book I have went for £20. The US Concordance went for £25 as a new
- one is due out later this year. Rog got to sell some Star Trek and
- fantasy stickers. Two Franklin Mint Enterprises - very expensive but
- at half price. Unfortunately one green jacket I had to demonstrate to
- thge audience and eventually Frances bought it. That just about
- concluded the auction. Again items bought were paid for there and
- then. Whilst there was a break before Dwight and caught Kevin one of
- the hotel porters talking to Jean. He was really enjoying himself and
- hopes to go to other cons and join IDIC for news.
- Dwight was due on and we were setting up with a stool and table. I
- popped arounf back to ask if Dwight needed anything else for his
- guest spot - he said no. Lee announced the secound talk of our guest
- of honour to a huge round of applause and welcome. He asked how many
- were here yesterday - almost everyone was. He was surprised as he was
- expecting a new audience to talk to. Again he talked about acting,
- Barclay and his other roles in acting to a Q&A session.
- For nearly two hours we had another enjoyable talk before finally
- finishing at 18:15. A video of the making of Voyager was then shown -
- stayed for parts of it. I did consider the autograph queue but there
- was two lines - yesterday's lot and today's, so I decided not to join
- plus I nearly tripped over the yello/black hazard step in the
- process.
- Got into my DS9 uniform and went for food. Got talking to a fan from
- Norwich, her first con in 3 years. Had chips and a hot dog. Had a
- quick look in the Stewards Party room but the doors were not open
- yest to Castle Rock, so I went back to my room for tea.
- Came back at 19:30 to the party to find Frankie, Jean at the bar
- getting their free drink with our tickets. Frankie got telling us
- about Pam, Richard and a key plus a certai private con in January
- that got Frankie worried. Eric and Dwight were present signing
- autographs and willing to have photographs taken. I was able to join
- Dwight, Frankie about valves, audio systems etc as Dwight said he
- would have been an audio engineer if not for acting and described his
- New York stdent days to us.
- The Holodeck Fantasy was on with Dave Simmons and co. as the
- holodeck. Data was about, but Dwight, Eric, Richard and Harry had to
- leave us as they were invited out by the committee for dinner. Dwight
- said he would be back later.
- The Starfleet Academy Challenge was gearing up as Scumbags, one of
- the teams from a UFP con a few years ago with Jim Swallow . Stayed
- for a bit of it and then returning to the main hall to watch four
- episodes of Voyager - "Emanations", "Explorers", "Jetrel" and
- "Learning Curve". Sat by the tech desk as the best view of the screen
- was a bit green. The two spotlighters came to watch the videos at the
- tech table. Stayeed until the end at 01:30 hours. Got Mark and Glenn
- to depower as myself and Peter left for the bar.
- The Trial by Karaoke and dancing continued and found TQ and Judith
- drinking away and some regualr Star Trek fans playing pool and drunk
- as well as being merry. The disco continued as people wanted it all
- night long.
- Got to my bed somewhat later and did a bit of tidying up for a wake
- up call of 8:00 am. I think.
- The closing ceremony saw first prize for fancy dress awarded to the
- Babylon 5 ambassador, alias Paul Curtis. As the winners clambered up
- the right stairs Richard and another guest moved them to the front
- for ease of access. The most noticable winner of the art was R2D2 and
- Garbage Trek Enterprise. Wendy Ward won again for her portraits. As
- always the raffle ended in the usual confusion but we got there.
- Can't remember anymore but Richard was running slightly late - must
- have had a plane to catch. Dwight was spending all day in London with
- his agent whilst Eric had to fly back due to evening law classes and
- so ended the 39th British Star Trek con in Blackpool.
- The Hall slowly emptied but the dealers were still open but some were
- still selling eagerly to the last punters. Found Valerie and Shiela
- packing by the car. Frances and Carol had given them their stuff to
- take back home. Carol in her blue Troi dress despite the cold. IDIC
- would be leaving after a brief lunch snack.
- Went to the committee room to collect my auction items sold and
- jokingly said when's the next Sol III convention. For the next few
- hours I stayed in the main hall dismantling equipment, cables, video
- and audio speakers etc. The gaffer tape is tough. The whole stage
- came apart even the lights. The power cables were big. Took down some
- nice cloth Star Trek V posters. The Sol III flags came down and the
- screen leaving nothing but an empty stage.
- Wandered into the main restaurant for a drink and collected many of
- the spare flyers and put them in a box and left them at the
- registration desk. I had intended to take them home but people kept
- picking up the flyers even at this late stage. Jean was staying on as
- she had a christening tomorrow. One public person came into
- registration expecting a con but we told him it was too late but we
- helped him find future cons and Star Trek clubs through the desk full
- of flyers.
- In the midst started talking to Veronique from France. She regularly
- travels to the UK and is going on a Trek cruise next week. We sat
- down with Jean in the nice glass filled restaurant. Veronique told us
- about France and Star Trek is non-existant on their screens.
- Two members of the Trek crew were taking a break and I'd had
- completely forgotten to dismantle the video rooms but they had
- already done it. The spare flyers (one box full) we put in my car.
- Veronique described her VCR and TV saga as France is different from
- the UK which is different from the USA ie blue tapes, 60Hz NTSC/Pal/
- SeCam problems.
- Feeling tired and sleepy I did not want to leave the con as it
- emptied so quickly. It was now 6:00 pm and I said my farewells who
- were dogtired. Got off the sofaseats and got some sandwiches and
- drinks for the trek home. Last wave and look forward to another two
- years at the Norbreck Castle before getting onto the motorway.
- Luckily the heavy traffic had gone already as I made it to Liverpool
- by 7:30 pm for a family evening meal.
- The next con would be Conundrum, Glasgow in seven weeks.
- ---------------
- March 1995 - Holiday Inn, Leicster, England
- ---------------------------------------------
- by Sven Harvey and Claire Higgins
- -----------------------------------
- Arriving with our friend David Zabiela at the hotel on Friday (after
- getting lost between the railway station and the hotel) we were
- greeted by mutal great friend Kerry Evans (whom some of you
- convention goes may only know by the name Dax!) and the fact that we
- couldn't book in until 2pm... a bit of a pain considering that the
- programme started at 2pm. Oh well.
- After booking in David dragged us to the dealers room where he
- immediately spent over £150 in less than 2 minutes... Nu Earth were
- there with some very nice stuff. After visting the Dark Side of the
- Moon, Sheffield Space Centre and Totally Trek stands we disappeared
- into one of the video rooms.
- Later, in the evening, the Opening Ceremony took place including a
- well put together video showing scenes from Red Dwarf and the episode
- "Cause and Effect" of Next Generation which resulted in a rendered
- (looked like the Amigas Imagine program!) Enterprise flying out of a
- gas cloud with Starbug wedged in it. However the atmosphere of the
- convention was already below par.
- To be honest I (Sven) spent most of the convention in a fit of
- depression. It just felt like there was nothing to do. We formed a
- team for the quiz, we had breakfast with Aaron Eisenberg we watched
- some Voyager, but most of the time we found ourselves bored or
- wandering around trying to get involved in something. The fancy dress
- party/disco didn't go brilliantly, though there were some excellent
- entries including a Mr. Flibble type sketch, a young Trekker as Kai
- Opaka and Camille from the Red Dwarf episode of the same name.
- The food was pretty expensive and many of us ended up walking quite
- away into town to the nearest McDonalds (in uniform!). We spoke to
- Aaron quite a lot as he was in the room opposite ours. He was
- suprised both by the similarities between the UK and the US as well
- as some of the very fundamental differences. He couldn't understand
- that we needed a TV licence just to watch!
- The attendees were not too pleased to find out that neither Chris
- Barrie or Craig Charles had shown up and that Max Grodenchik had
- cancelled. The only guest was the aforementioned Aaron Eisenberg
- (DS9's Nog), a great guy by the way, who gave some very good guest
- talks and wasn't afraid to mix with us lot. He also let us know about
- Nog's potential entrance to the Acadamy and of his comic book (I am
- sure a review will be in this issue somewhere.)
- Unfortunately this convention proved that Red Dwarf and Star Trek
- doesn't mix favourably and there was some resentment between the
- Trekker/Trekkie faction and the Dwarfies at the con.
- After this unfortunate experience I have been reluctant to attend
- other conventions but I am looking forward to Delta Quadrant next
- year... Well I should do - I am on the committee!
- -----------
- Hospitality Inn, Glasgow, SCOTLAND
- ------------------------------------
- 15th - 17th July 1995
- -----------------------
- Report by Edward Woo
- ----------------------
- THURSDAY: I finished work at 5:00 pm and was really looking forward
- to Conundrum and a lively weekend in Glasgow. Got some petrol, a TV
- aerial from Focus DIY and collected Maggie from the railway station.
- It will be her first convention and she is stewarding plus the
- Scottish one is the best introduction to ST. Did the usual packing of
- a uniform, sweat shirts, white Horta items food and drink. Phoned
- Heather but she was off to Blackpool for the weekend but she would
- see her Monday night. She's a Fan and usually I drop off videos,
- books etc.. as she can't get to the con instead she has a weekend of
- ST goodies when I come up for a visit.
- FRIDAY: Got up about 8:00 am, having a breakfast of noodles and tea.
- Once the car was full of paper, luggage and food it was up the M6 via
- the bottle bank. The M6, M74, M8 journey was uneventful despite a one
- day rail strike. I had expected a lower turnout due to it but most
- arrived a day early or by another modes transport.
- Jean was flying from Manchester to Glasgow despite her noisy pupils.
- As we entered the outskirts of Glasgow, I remembered the way, with
- many visits to the Away Team meetings, but still consulted the map
- just in case. The Hospitality Inn Hotel was still there as we rounded
- the corner to the underground car park to level B as level A was
- full. Parked near the lifts and we mounted the stairs to see
- reception. Spotted some recognisable faces even though it was noon on
- the clock. Scott, Alison, Paula, Lorraine and Stephen were hovering
- reception. Scott signed us in so we could get our con packages early.
- Richard Arnold was here already and was off sight seeing despite the
- lack of trains it was the bus for him and his colleagues. I thought
- we had arrived to early for our rooms but the hotel reception said
- ours was ready but it was on the 6th floor. I asked for a lower deck
- but they had already been allocated.
- I asked for 2 keys and we actually got them with smaller key fobs,
- not the bulky ones like last year. The Water Fall/Fountain wasn't
- working - pity. Into the bar to find Greg and asked him about the
- hard work in putting a con together. ie 10 months of work followed by
- 2 months of last minute chaos. Fran who came up last night works for
- BR was there, I saw at Sol III, two months ago, she said Keith was
- not going to any cons this year - that's the name Greg was trying to
- remember. There was a video programme tonight starting at 20:00hrs on
- the 8th floor as usual but this time 2 video rooms with the latest
- episodes.
- After several luggage trips from B level to floor 6, we had a rest. I
- still had a box of flyers in the car left over from Sol III which I
- brought up to be distributed at the con tomorrow. This would be the
- last time I would see my Triumph till Monday. We unpacked and did a
- survey of the room, having tea and biscuits even crisps to renew our
- energies. there was no Hotel complaint form but we had Sky TV,
- eventually understanding how the remote worked. One defective lamp
- shade. Battery and shaver chargers were plugged into the mains. After
- a fresh up and lie down I showed Maggie the Hotel. Up to the 8th
- floor were the video rooms, the seats were set out but no equipment
- yet, a tech crew were just bringing them in. Showed here the ground
- floor, bars, restaurant and main hall. There was a wedding reception
- in one of the halls hence the wine glasses. Anyway we could tell who
- was at the reception, they were better dressed than us that evening.
- Phoned home to say we had arrived safely.
- We got our con packages, despite Stephen wanting to withhold mine
- till he had crossed my name off. At least we had the late night
- stewarding of the videos, it would be peaceful and no trouble. First
- query to the committee, where was the club room I asked, the Scott
- suit on the 8th floor was the reply for the autograph session like
- last year. I was not the only one who was not sure - a note to the
- Contagion committee next year.
- With map in hand we went out of the Hotel for some exercise and air
- to visit the cash machine, some food using our discounts from the con
- and a visit to see the famous shopping streets of Glasgow. We
- crisscrossed the streets to find a Barclays, pointing out the eating
- places we ate last year, Pizzaland/Hut, Burger Bar for a chicken
- sandwich, chips and coke. I explained to Maggie about the con
- packages and the wearing of badges plus who we should see if there is
- a problem, the senior stewards.
- We returned to the Hotel despite the traffic. Jean had arrived and
- was off for a shower. Frankie was here from down south and Margaret
- who was sitting in the foyer. She didn't bring her husband this time
- like last year. Back to our rooms, Maggie went for a sleep, she was
- tired already even before the con started. I did some more unpacking
- discarding what I wanted for each day, actually read the con booklet
- and the writings of the committee, ticked which episodes I needed to
- watch on the time table and then viewed Sky TV.
- Come 5:00 pm on our way down in the elevator we bumped into some Trek
- people for the 4th time, didn't get their names but one I recognised
- later as being superb in the Ceilidh. In fact I spoke to a lot of
- people in the lift that weekend interest in ST is a real ice breaker.
- More faces had arrived. Leslie who I can put a face to introduced
- himself, a friend of TQ, Roddy from Edinburgh who apologised for not
- sending me the money for last years photos but I said but me a drink
- instead - he agreed.
- Jean said she had forgotten to bring a note pad the talks, I said I
- had one but would there be enough pages. Frankie was no nearer to
- getting Pam's hand despite numerous efforts at Sol III.
- Jackie from South Wales had arrived with her assortment of dogs and
- during the weekend she made numerous exercise trips for them. Janet
- was here and had words on how her two dogs were doing since she could
- not get to Blackpool because of them and the big vets bill now.
- A face appeared in front of me it was Gary who was off to Paris
- Monday but still had time to organise 42 people to go to see Batman
- this evening. We decided we might but later he said it was great,
- better for the children. I asked whether Joe Gibbs would be back for
- Washington - were both American Football fans.
- As we were in reception, the committee was standing by the entrance
- all dressed up. Stephen in a flowery shirt and Scott in a tie and
- blue blazer. Stephen said they were going out for dinner and I'm not
- sure if that was with the guests as well - I think so. I showed
- Stephen the photos of Baggy's wedding, Sol III and Contagion last
- with many on lookers. He said a photo of George's metro with Majel,
- Richard and Carel inside it would have been funny. Then a voice from
- behind and in front sounded, it was John and Simon. Simon's hair was
- soaking and Jane the better half was by the turbo lift. They had just
- arrived. We hadn't seen them since May, I showed them their wedding
- photos and asked about Orkney and the ferry crossing. As I was up
- there for six months this/last year. Simon was larger and didn't
- bring his one piece uniform or his camera as I had mine he wanted a
- spare set of prints made. Simon's friend Tim was here, he won the Sol
- III video and tall Richard was here also, not as tall as Carel. Simon
- told me the news that Michael Dorn was going to DS9 - WOW!
- As it was coming up to early evening I suggested dinner as I had 1
- penny Pizzaland voucher again. John and Jane said yes, Simon said he
- was tired and wet. J + J were on the fifth floor and we said we would
- meet them in the lobby in 1/4 hour. We went back to our rooms for the
- vouchers and then waited in reception. Jean talked to Maggie as I
- went flyer hunting. Michelle Forbes is guest at Cult TV in October
- and Wolf 359 is so full it's unbelievable, I hear 4 overspill hotels.
- We sat by the fountain with a Romulan Federation officer who was
- getting some unusual looks by folks. Again we had a party of
- Americans and that wedding reception. Last year we had American
- tourists.
- Vicki and here Austrian friend passed by saying hello and to mention
- to Taruka they were in 724. Her Austrian friend I met last year with
- the Spock teddy bear. No Judith this time to rattle the IDIC Guide
- dog fund along with TQ so Dave was doing it - sorry both Daves from
- Preston had the pleasure. Waited a little longer and then phoned 534,
- John said we were coming and they duly arrived. Jane wanted to know
- the menu so I pointed her out to the committee. She came back they
- hadn't had a menu either.
- So we were off out to Italian, Jane surveyed the Italian place
- opposite but didn't like the menu. back down the street to Pizzaland,
- the same place as last year, even in the basement corner with Donna,
- Adrian and Harminder we started with drinks, starters and Pizza. We
- chatted away about Life , trek and Quantum Leap and Donna's name came
- up in conversation. Maggie and myself didn't go for desert as we
- still had Pizza left. We got it boxed up for Simon, writing to Simon,
- From the gang love + kisses - he'll like that!. Donna just loves Q
- Leap and lead character or actor Scott B. The bill came to £24. The 2
- J's went for some air whilst we went back to the hotel. I'd still not
- worn my badge but most people knew me any way. It can be a bit much
- wearing it on the streets especially wearing a large NG sweat shirt
- as well.
- We found Simon and Harminder sitting near the bar and we passed him
- the Pizza's, should have put on the spicey sauce for him, that would
- have been hot. Simon appreciated the food. Harminder was still into
- his signed autographed photos of everyone not just Star Trek.
- Marminder is going to Wolf and thinks it will be great. As we looked
- further into the bar a voice cried out, it was Donna and Adrian from
- South Wales. We grabbed some seats and chatted away. They had been to
- Holland and I told her about Accelerate 96. She hopes to go and as to
- Warp 2 they could travel each day. Adrians the quieter of the two and
- came to ST through Donna.
- A familiar voice and rattling tin appeared, it was the two Dave's
- from Preston, they were collecting for charity and we even got a
- booklet out of them but we gave it back to them. One Dave was staying
- in Paisley and TQ was about somewhere. Both were wearing uniforms,
- original and NG in blue.
- Come 9:30 we all decided to go and watch videos as we consulted the
- flip chart. We made a brief stop at our rooms before hitting the
- videos.
- We go to a front row seat and had a paired funny stewards running it
- Maggie could only watch 3 episodes before retiring to bed but I
- stayed for the 4th. Saw Shakaar, Facet and Adversary to the opening
- music of Knots Landing, Generations of Babylon 5. That was the
- ongoing competition as they had changed the title music to certain
- stories. During the intermission of the 3rd video I found Frantone
- and Peter at the back. Peter was staying in the overspill hotel. I
- sat on the floor to watch the final episode of DS9 season finale.
- We trooped down the stairs to the bar as it was only midnight. I
- found Simon waiting for the two J's but they didn't turn up. Simon
- bought the round, myself, Simon, Peter and Leslie sat in the foyer
- for the next 3/4hr trekking. There was no Starbase committee this
- weekend at the con.
- No doubt Carol, Mike et all are too busy preparing '96 in Leeds.
- Rolled in to my room at 1am, briefly setting out what items I needed
- for tomorrow. gave reception a ring for a wake up call at 7:30 plus I
- had my back up alarm as well. Made tea and the hay fever tablets and
- went to bed. The air conditioner was on with a good flow of cool air
- but like first nights in a hotel I found it difficult to sleep.
- Woke up several times during the night - 5:00 am and finally 7:00 am.
- to be continued...